Procurement Unit

The Procurement unit of the Dzongkhag Administration is one of the crucial cross sectorial service provider. The Procurement section is responsible for acquisition of goods, works and services for the Dzongkhag Administration. This function is carried out in strict adherence to the  Procurement Rules and Regulations 2019, Royal Government of Bhutan. Its functions include;

  • Preparation of Annual Procurement Plan, Publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender, pre-qualification documents and invitations for expressions of interest;
  • Co-ordinate the receiving and opening of tender documents;
  • Co-ordinate the evaluation of tenders, quotations and proposals;
  • Implement the decisions of the procurement, tender and disposal committees, including coordinating all activities of these committees;
  • Monitor contract management by user departments to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts;
  • Co-ordinate internal monitoring and evaluation of the supply chain function;
  • Act as a secretariat to the tender, procurement and disposal committees;
  • Custodian of Government Property (Property Officer), Government Inventory Management

Duties and Responsibilities of Procurement Personnel

  1. Ensure compliance and provide guidance in accordance with the Procurement Rules and Regulations and other relevant rules for fair and transparent process in procurement of Goods, Works and Services to achieve value for money;
  2. Manage the whole procurement process from identification of needs, compilation of required technical information/specification from the relevant sector/officer for the preparation of Annual Procurement Plan for the agency in the e-GP system.
  3. Prepare tender documents, call for tenders, conduct tender committee meetings and serve as the Member secretary to Tender Committee;
  4. Supervise relevant store staffs, record properties procured/acquired by the agency, ensure proper record of fixed assets in the Government Inventory Management System(GIMS) and coordinate proper disposal of properties;
  5. Administer contract management of goods including timely receipt of goods and verification of bills for payment;
  6. Conduct market analysis to obtain suppliers information;
  7. Other than technical specification of any procurement the procurement officer shall review the document prior to publishing
  8. All procurement related matters shall be first reviewed by the Procurement officers and if need to be seek clarification from concerned authority. Submit the Procurement Report as and when required by the relevant agency
  9. In case of procurement of Works and Services; ensure Terms of Reference and Bill of Quantities are obtained from the concerned sector/officers;
  10. Submit the Procurement Report as and when required by the relevant agency;
  11.  Any other task assigned by the Supervisors

The major responsibilities are listed below:
1. Procurement function:
✓ Identification of Need,
✓ Market research,
✓ Procurement Planning,
✓ Tendering,
✓ Grievances redressal,
✓ Awarding and
✓ Contract management.
2. Store management function:
✓ Receipt of incoming goods,
✓ Inspection of incoming goods,
✓ Storage,
✓ Inventory recording keeping,
✓ Safeguarding stocks and inventory control,
✓ Issue stock items to users and
✓ Submission of report
3. Property management Function.
✓ Registration of properties in AIMS/Assets Register,
✓ Allotment of properties to custodian or agencies,
✓ Transfer of properties,
✓ Repairs and Maintenance, and
✓ Disposal of unserviceable properties.




Drawings of School Furniture

Attachment Size
SPBD Furniture 5.43 MB
SPBD Furniture 7.54 MB
SPBD Furniture 6.94 MB
SPBD Furniture 4.95 MB
Model No. MS 5630 Model No. MS 5630C.pdf 251.05 KB
Model No. RC 6800.pdf 127.77 KB
Model No. RC 7001 & 7002.pdf 130.55 KB
Model no. RC 7200.pdf 104.22 KB
Model no. RC 8110.pdf 135.09 KB
Supreme Chairs.pdf 439.9 KB

Comparative Statement for Auto mobile Services

Attachment Size
Vehicle Tyres1798.xlsx 8.01 KB
Mahindra Boleros DC Turbo 11798.xlsx 13.01 KB
Mahindra Boleros DC Turbo 21798.xlsx 9.81 KB
Mahindra Boleros DC Turbo 31798.xlsx 9.79 KB
Mahindra Boleros DC Turbo 41798.xlsx 10.22 KB
Mahindra Boleros Camper 11798.xlsx 12.39 KB
Mahindra Boleros Camper 21798.xlsx 9.37 KB
Mahindra Boleros Camper 31798.xlsx 9.37 KB
Mahindra Boleros Camper 41798.xlsx 9.77 KB
BoQ for Prado 11798.xlsx 9.34 KB
BoQ for Prado 21798.xlsx 9.47 KB
Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulance 4x4, 4.2 Diesel Snorkel & High Alt. 11798.xlsx 9.35 KB
Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulance 4x4, 4.2 Diesel Snorkel & High Alt. 21798.xlsx 9.51 KB
Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulance 4x4, 4.2 Diesel Snorkel & High Alt. 31798.xlsx 9.39 KB
Toyota Land Cruiser Ambulance 4x4, 4.2 Diesel Snorkel & High Alt. 41798.xlsx 9.01 KB
