Census Sector:


  • The Dzongkhag Civil Registration and Census (DCRC) is to deliver the highest standard of civil registration and census-related services.


  • Ensure professional service delivery through optimal Information Communication and Technology use.
  • To update and maintain citizens’ information correctly.


  • Demonstrate the highest standard of integrity, honesty, and discipline while delivering public services.
  • The administrators and officials must be people-friendly and must be ever ready to respond to the general public to provide timely, high-quality, and reliable services.
  • Strengthen and accelerate organized and affirmative interpersonal relationships amongst employees to provide professional services at all times to come.



  • To achieve 100% birth and death registration without delay.
  • To minimize census drop-out cases.
  • To authenticate census records with correct information.



  • Execute plans, policies, and directives.
  • Assist Dasho Dzongdag in all citizenship and census matters.
  • Coordinate between the Dzongkhag and the headquarters on census and citizenship matters.
  • Plan an annual census work plan regarding the updation of birth and deaths in the Gewogs.
  • Process and verify the applications for citizenship identity cards, special residence permit cards, name changes, and age corrections.
  • Process and update census transfer cases.
  • Distribute citizenship identity and special residence permit cards in the Dzongkhag.
  • Conduct annual census as per the guidelines of headquarters.
  • Compile naturalization cases upon receipt of a verification letter from the Department of Immigration.
  • Compile census drop-out and citizenship matters for onward submission to the Department of Civil Registration & Census.
  • Issue population figures upon written approval of the Department only.
  •  Ensure unauthorized people do not have access to BCRS.
  • Verify, compile, and submit reports on Civil Registration & Census cases.
  • Verify and approve the online services as delegated to the Dzongkhag


The services provided are:


  1. Registration of Birth
  2. Processing and issuance of New Citizenship Card/ Special Resident Card.
  3. Processing and issuance of Lost/Renewal/ Replacement Citizenship Card/ Special Resident Cards.
  4. Processing Name Change and Correction of Date of Birth
  5. Issuance of Nationality certificate
  6. Issuance of Household Information
  7. Processing the Census Transfer
  8. Updating individual information of Citizen/ Special Resident Card Holder
  9. Updating the Head of Household
  10. Updating the Spouse’s Information
  11. Issuance of Individual Information
  12. Naturalization/ Regularization
  13. Death Registration.